By: Shraddha Thakur
The Many Benefits From Drinking Pomegranate Juice
In case you didn’t know, pomegranate juice is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. Sure, we often talk about how good green juice is when the topic of healthy juice comes up, but pomegranate juice can outperform even this green goodness. For starters, freshly squeezed cold-pressed pomegranate juice contains over 100 phytochemicals, which do everything from keeping your skin and hemoglobin levels healthy, to fighting off deadly diseases like cancer. Additionally… actually, never mind. Let’s do this the right way and create a list of the many benefits that come from pomegranate juice!
1. Pomegranate Juice is an Antioxidant Powerhouse
Pomegranate juice is an antioxidant powerhouse, even more so than green tea. In fact, the dark red color of pomegranate juice comes from the many polyphenols in it that just so happen to be strong antioxidants that protect the cell from damage, remove free radicals, and reduce inflammation. For those who prize their appearance, these antioxidants will keep your skin young and prevent age-related disorders.
2. Pomegranate Juice Helps in Cancer Prevention
Regular consumption of pomegranate juice has shown some great benefits for men, including slowing the growth of prostate cancer cells. It lowers the level of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in men, thus reducing the risk of death from the disease.
3. Pomegranate Juice Is Heart Healthy
Lowered bad cholesterol (LDL) levels paired with raised good cholesterol (HDL) levels is another positive side effect of the beautiful red elixir that is pomegranate juice. For instance, it prevents blocked arteries and ensures smooth blood flow, and even decreases inflammation in the blood’s lining vessels.
4. Pomegranate Juice Is Good for Dental Health
Dentists are quite happy with pomegranate juice because its antiviral properties help improve dental health and prevent the formation of plaque.
5. Pomegranate Juice Maintains Your Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is a common problem to treat these days, and pomegranate juice is highly effective in maintaining blood thickness and pressure throughout the body. How? By acting as a natural aspirin that prevents the formation of blood clots to ensure unrestricted blood flow.
6. Pomegranate Juice Boosts Immunity and Aids in Inhibiting HIV Transmission
Strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of pomegranates that make their way into pomegranate juice also make them strong immunity boosters. The juice significantly reduces microbial counts and acts as a strong inhibitor of HIV transmission. Out of all fruits, pomegranates have the highest potential to inhibit HIV transmission.
7. Pomegranate Juice Helps Maintain Good Digestion
Along with being a heart healthy fruit, pomegranates also ensures a smooth-functioning liver and stomach, making them very good for digestive health.
8. Pomegranate Juice Improves Fertility & Sexual Drive
Because of its many antioxidants, pomegranate juice greatly reduces oxidative stress, which helps increase sperm quality in men and fertility in women. It also increases testosterone levels that are responsible for improved sexual drives.
9. Pomegranate Juice Helps in Cartilage Formation
Pomegranate juice is a great inhibitor of enzymes responsible for cartilage damage, and regular consumption prevents cartilage deterioration. In fact, pomegranate juice is highly recommended for patients suffering from osteoarthritis.
10. Pomegranate Juice is Highly Beneficial for Pregnant Women
Pomegranate juice is filled with several essential nutrients that include vitamins, minerals and folic acid—all of which are essential for fetal growth and feminine health. Likewise, it also lowers the risk of premature birth and low birth weight.
Final Thoughts
Pomegranates hold a number of benefits, making pomegranate juice a wonder for all who drink it. Make sure that’s you! Start drinking it today and give yourself a healthy boost.