By: Shraddha Thakur
7 of the Best Ways to Become a More Positive and Joyful Person
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. – Aristotle”
Like the Greek philosopher Aristotle said, happiness is what matters the most in life. It doesn’t matter if you’re part of the elite or the poor class, life becomes less enjoyable and more stressful if you’re not happy inside and out.
Uncertainty in life often becomes a hurdle in the path of achieving happiness. Those with optimistic thoughts can ease this hurdle without much discomfort and lead a life full of happiness and health. Happiness can also be derived from positive thoughts and beliefs. A person who instead focuses on pessimistic thoughts has little to no chances of enjoying the little moment of happiness in life.
In this article, we have outlined some of the many ways to be a more positive and joyful person. Before diving in, let’s get a clear picture of the benefits you can reap out of becoming a positive person:
- A positive person can better handle complicated situations
- They can make better decisions under pressure
- They are loved and welcomed by everyone (after all, who doesn’t like to be around someone who appreciates the little moments?)
- They value their time and energy
- They believe in reality and don’t spend too much time worrying about the future
- They have more confidence to face personal and professional problems
- Instead of running away from problems, a person with a positive mindset tends to seek solutions
- They do not shy away from the opportunity to try again after a failure
- They know how to take full advantage of any opportunity that comes their way
- They’re more focused and clear about their goals in life
- They live a healthy and fit life
There are many wonders a positive mindset can do to help you enjoy a joyful and happy life. Sadly, a person with negative thoughts get the opposite of what we have just discussed; they are often stressed out and have low self-esteem. Knowing this, you should attain a positive attitude in life through the following wonderful ways.
1. Talk to Yourself
This is by far the easiest and one of the most effective ways of becoming a positive and happy person. Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, try seeking solutions on your own by thinking out loud. After all, nobody knows you better than you!
2. Be Kind to Everyone
Spread happiness and kindness anything and everything around yourself and you can bet you’ll feel a positive change. Just by helping, complimenting, or even passing a smile, you can make someone’s day or completely change another’s.
3. Avoid Negative Thoughts
Thinking negatively is a human behavior that does little to no good. Overthinking also leads to wasted time with no positive outcomes. The next time you find yourself thinking and worrying too much about a situation, try these ways to help:
- Think things through with someone close to you
- Distract yourself by doing what you love the most
- Maintain a healthy diet and cut out sugary and overly processed food that ends up making you feeling bad
- Be realistic and stop predicting the future
4. Have More Gratitude
Feeling grateful for what you’ve achieved is the right way of staying away from negativity and disappointment. Always be thankful to those around you and be a positive person. Celebrate every little achievement in life and don’t be afraid of failure.
5. Stop Comparing Yourself
Image Source: jordanharbinger.com
Always remember that comparing yourself to others is self-destructive. When people compare themselves, they end up making themselves sad, depressed, and stressed. They become hopeless and start thinking negatively.
Stop being harsh on yourself and get a better grip on your thoughts. If something didn’t happen the way you wanted doesn’t mean it never will. Shift away from negative thoughts and accept your flaws. Nobody’s perfect and you need to realise that ASAP!
6. Do What You Love the Most
Indulging in the things that gives you a good boost of happiness is one of the best ways of becoming a positive person. Spend time doing the things that make you happier, be it dancing, playing a sport, chatting with a friend, or whatever it may be for you.
7. Stay Active
Regular exercise, yoga, and mediation help cut down negative thoughts and stay a positive person. They will also by boosting mental health and paving the way to a positive mindset.
Final Thoughts
Life isn’t easy for anyone and we all have struggles and challenges. If you master the art of thinking positively, you can easily make it through difficulties in life. Being a positive person doesn’t mean ignoring unfavorable situations, rather it means having a positive outlook and approach to all things in life.
Apart from the ways, we covered today to transform yourself into a positive person, you also need to bring certain healthy eating habits into your life. After all, we are what we eat — this belief in Ayurveda is accurate for some valid reasons. Eating a healthy and clear diet makes you feel better and positive, while a diet full of sugary and unhealthy food makes us feel tired, depressed, overweight, and more. To avoid this, you have to become a little more choosy before eating and drinking and following the advice below:
- Enjoy a diet rich in fresh, green leafy veggies and fruits
- Don’t skip breakfast
- Avoid sugary drinks and drink water and fresh, chemical-free juices instead
- Eat healthy snacks like fruits, oats, yogurts, fresh juices, etc.
- Cut down on unhealthy and processed junk food
Best of luck!