By: Rashi Chaudhary
Apple Or Coffee: What Should Be a Part Of Your Morning Routine?
What’s the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning? Guess you wash your face, brush your teeth, and then sip on a glass of Coffee or chai? Well, a lot of people follow this routine and we’re pretty sure about that! The day seems to be incomplete without taking a shot of caffeine for the caffeine lovers out there!
While you may take it to refuel yourself to get through the entire day, little do you know that it might give you a quick boost of energy that shortly results in making you feel tired and sluggish. That’s what caffeine does to your body according to health experts.
On the contrary, if you’re one of those who eat ‘Apple’, which is one of the nutritious and ideal picks for breakfast. Let us tell you that you are benefitting your body in so many ways. Ever heard the saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ It is said so because it has many incredible health benefits to offer your body, mind, and soul to keep you away from several health issues.
Let’s get deep into this blog to understand why you must replace coffee with an apple early in the morning!
Instant Boost Of Energy
A quick boost of energy is all what we need to have adequate energy levels throughout the day and that’s why usually people reach for a glass of coffee without considering its downside which shortly drains the energy level and makes you feel even more sleepy called caffeine crash.
While if we talk about eating apples, not only it keeps the doctor away but sleep too. The presence of natural sugar in this magical fruit helps provide the adequate energy level that you need to stay active, focused, and productive at work all day long.
Intake Of Good Calories
Breakfast should be the King in quantity not in ‘calories’. Our mothers and fitness experts have been saying this throughout that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and we should never skip it. However, what you choose for breakfast is incredibly important in order to stay fit and maintain your energy level as you begin the day.
For this reason, choosing coffee is not a good idea because the common additions in coffee like milk or sugar have more calories which add extra inches to your waistline. On the contrary, apple has natural sugar which is way better than the white sugar used for making coffee. Natural sugar doesn’t add to your weight but rather helps in weight management while satiating sweet cravings.
No Sleep Trouble Problems
You may take coffee because you’re facing trouble to stay awake but you may be surprised to know that it will also disturb you at night. As a result, you will get a few hours to sleep and you wake up the next day with bad mood and energy levels. Headache is one of the main reasons behind this according to an article published by Mayoclinic.
When we talk about Apple, it has nothing to do with Insomnia. Moreover, eating this nutrient-rich fruit before going to bed contribute to a good night sleep as per Healthline but they also said more research is needed. Here is one more research article published related to Nighttime eating on National Library of Medicine and it says –
“Negative outcomes may not be consistent when the food choice is small, nutrient-dense, low energy foods and/or single macronutrients rather than large mixed-meals.”
Improves Digestion
Unlike Coffee, eating an apple everyday in the morning is very good to prevent constipation. It is rich in dietary fiber so it helps to aid digestion while keeping you full for longer periods thus curbing hunger as well. There is no such nutrient present in coffee which may help you to aid digestive issues.
Good For Skin
Citrus fruits like oranges or kiwis are mainly known for the magical micronutrient vitamin C which helps to give glowing, clean, and clear skin. You will be glad to know that apples also have 10% of your daily vitamin C needs which is enough to give your skin a natural boost by removing dark spots and make it look naturally beautiful as per Medical News Today. The presence of vitamin C also ensures that eating apples for long period can help to give immunity boost.
We already know that there is no content of vitamin C in coffee, hence you will lack every linked benefit out of the amazing nutrient present in apples.
Promote Eye Vision
Apple has the presence of vitamin A, which is responsible to protect the cornea and improves eye vision. Eating apples as a part of daily routine can really help to improve eyesight. It is also recommended for people who have reduced vision in low light conditions. It is widely known that coffee has nothing to do with enhancing eye vision. So, you know what to pick!
Final Thoughts
Apple truly helps to provide overall health benefits and is safer to consume over coffee, which is linked with many health issues as discussed above. If you’re looking forward to a coffee alternative, look no further because apple is the answer! It is a way more effective and healthier way to stay awake than coffee.
If you don’t like eating whole apple, juice it up! You can always order 100% natural cold-pressed Red apple juice from OMJOOS to get the maximum health benefits because it is without any added sugar or preservatives, just the goodness of apple in liquefied form.
So, what would you prefer in the morning? Guess you know what to pick now!